Great Ormond Street Hospital – Easter Bunny Onesies

Posted on: 14/04/2020

Back in March, Charlotte from the Play Team on the renal ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital, got in touch asking if we could donate onesies for her and Chloe to dress up in at Easter time when they delivered Easter Eggs and carried out Easter activities with the children on the ward.

How could we say no?

Of course we wanted to help make a difference (it’s what we do) and offered two onesies from our Limited Edition Collection. We added rabbit ears and the Great Ormond Street Hospital logo and sent them off as quickly as we could so that they reached them before COVID-19 lockdown.

Chloe got back in touch on Easter Monday with some wonderful photos of them both having an amazing time dressed up as Easter Bunnies and heading for the ward with a trolley load of Easter Eggs.

We are so glad that we could help bring some happiness at this time. We salute all of those who work in the NHS and the key workers who are keeping the country going and bringing happiness to those less fortunate then ourselves.

Thank you to Charlotte and Chloe for reaching out.