Onesie Turtle Day!

Posted on: 23/05/2015

Onesie Turtle Day Happy Turtle Day from Franklin the Tortoise! Franklin loves exploring the garden in the summer, and snuggling up to his All-in-One Company Hot Water Bottle in the Winter. Tortoise 1tortoise2 Did you know...

  • Turtles live in the sea, Terrapins, smaller turtles, live in water  and tortoises live on land.
  • Although they don’t have teeth, terrapins and turtles have powerful jaws for crushing crabs and snails and other food. Their rear feet are large and webbed for swimming.
  • Tortoises, Turtles and Terrapins don’t hear airborne sounds as loudly as we do. Instead they feel vibrations in their environment – in the water or on land, and their senses of vision and smell are much sharper than ours.
  • Tortoises can live a very long time, some to the ripe old age of 150. However, the average age a tortoise can live to ranges from 90 to 150 years. The oldest Giant tortoise ever recorded lived to the ripe old age of 152!
  • Tortoises are what is known as herbivores, they eat grass, ferns, flowers, tree leaves and fruit
  • Females dig burrows in which they can lay up anything from 1 to 30 eggs
  • There are around 40 different species of tortoise found around the world
  • One of the most famous stories in the world is called the “Hare and the Tortoise” and is one of the Aesop's Fable
By combining some of our green and brown fabrics, we've put together a few Tortoise/Turtle Onesie designs in celebration of Turtle Day! Tortoise Designs What would your Tortoise onesie look like? Start designing your very own on our personalised onesie builder today!