Onesie Home Comforts

Posted on: 26/09/2014

All for Onesie, and Onesie for All

 Onesie Home Comforts

Although going to university and becoming a student is very exciting, the shiny new lifestyle will eventually begin to wear off, especially after countless late nights and partying. Believe it or not you'll start to miss home and everything that comes with it. With university lectures starting this week you might be saying goodbye to proper food, comfy sofas, hot bubble baths, clean bathrooms - luxury toilet paper, and a comfy bed! But don't worry. We know a home comfort that will be there for you no matter what! Your onesie. Start by creating your very own on our personalisedonesie builder. Whether it be your uni colours, your favourite colour, maybe a patterned fabric that reminds you of your childhood or a thick cuddle fleece to keep you cosy. You'll be able to create your onesiefrom head to toe, from your hood, ears, mittens, pockets, tails, feet - the possibilities are endless! Your all-in-one onesie will keep you company throughout your time at university. It'll be there for you after a long day of lectures (or a long night of partying), when you're feeling unwell, or homesick, or just need a good old snuggle. With freshers over and lectures beginning, now is the perfect time to get your onesie ordered! Design your own onesienow on our personalised onesie builder -  You never know, maybe you'll convince your uni friends to get one too!