Onesie Sightings - Fan Club at The Petrol Station

Posted on: 27/10/2013

Onesie Trends - Spots of Different Kinds

My girlfriend and I love our onesies so much and whenever we go away they are the 1st thing in the suitcase!  There was this onesie time on our way back from holiday when mygirlfriend and I found the weather a little frosty.  We decided it's onesie time!  We packed our regular clothes into the boot and out came our onesies, we were now set for our trip back home. Onesie Sightings - Fan Club at The Petrol Station It was late at night and the frost was shining on the open road, needless to say we felt super snuggly in our onesies!  It then suddenly dawned on me, I hadn't thought this journey through in my head, we needed petrol!  So stopping for petrol we did, onesiesand all (both spotty of different sorts I might add).  Allll of a sudden we could feel all of these eyes on us (Obviously just wondering where we got our awesome onesies from)!  They weren't your average onesies, these were created by me using our personalised onesie builder and hand-made by the team and myself at The All-in-One Company - this made me the only dude on the planet to own this particular onesie! Back to my story... as i paid for the petrol it became clear I stood out from the crowd for the right reasons! The guy at the checkout, and his mate, wanted to know where to get such a creation.  Further more, as my girlfriend left the toilets (in her onesie) she seemed to have formed quite a fan club.  A group dining in the cafe were taking her photograph, snapping away, telling her how much they loved her spotty creation! We had only stopped for 10 minutes, but by wearing such great onesies we got spotted by everyone an admired by many more! Set a onesietrend on your next trip away using our personalised onesiebuilder, you never know where you will end up! Shaun Woodford, Cutter.